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Participants will walk away with a different perspective around boardroom conflict, able to reframe it in a way that considers the potential benefits of a well-managed conflict. They will be clear on the personal attributes required to manage and resolve conflict, for the chair, secretary, and individual directors, and go back to their boards with some clear strategies to resolve conflicts and promote healthy debate.

How should a board deal with conflict and division between directors? Studies show generally that performance improves when members are naturally drawn to each other and want to stay on the board. Deep divisions and disagreements can indeed be harmful and linger on, if not dealt with.

So how do we leverage different opinions and multiple viewpoints to improve the quality of decision-making to perform at the highest level and yet manage conflict and disagreement when it arises? There is a view that vigorous dissent helps boards to avoid inferior decision-making and groupthink, but those varying opinions can suddenly lapse into relationship conflict. Adding greater diversity in the boardroom creates a welcome diversity of perspectives, but this variety of viewpoints can complicate rather than ease communication.

So how does a good Chair manage board conflict when dissent and challenges between members descend into conflict?

Come and join us on this workshop and explore the solutions.

The workshop will cover:

  • What is conflict and why it is all around us.
  • What does conflict look like in the Boardroom?
  • Conflict resolution strategies for the Boardroom.
  • Underperforming Directors
  • Role of the Chair in managing conflict
  • Role of the Board Secretary in creating the conditions for healthy boardroom conflict
  • Personal attributes and conduct of individual Directors.

Workshop details

Date: 02 May 2024

Time: 9.00am - 5:00pm (KSA Time)

10:00am - 6:00pm (UAE time)

Format: One day workshop

Delivery: Online

Faculty: Paul Dubal

Workshop fees

Price per person for this 1 day workshop:

  • Non-member: USD 1,300 per person
  • Associate: USD 1,100 per person
  • Member: USD 1,000 per person
  • Fellow: USD 950 per person

Prices exclude VAT.

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