Please note: Please complete the form in full, ensuring you include the dates you wish to attend the workshops. Once we have reviewed your submission, we will confirm your eligibility, your registered dates, and provide with payment instructions.

For full information on ourCertificate in Board Directorship, please click here.

The Workshop of Directorship

The World of Directorship – Certificate in Board Directorship provides participants with the knowledge and understanding to fulfil their role as board directors.

The programme has three levels of qualification:

1. The World of Directorship - Certificate in Board Directorship

2. Diploma in Board Directorship

3. Chartered Director

This programme encompasses the core knowledge and awareness that is necessary to function effectively as a director and covers:

  • An in-depth view of the role, responsibilities and legal duties of an effective director;
  • An understanding of the characteristics of an effective board and board roles;
  • The issues and processes associated with formulating strategic and business plans and achieving strategic leadership. Sound knowledge of accounting, financial and risk terms and concepts; and
  • An in-depth perspective of the accounting, finance, control and corporate reporting functions.

The Certificate consists of 4 modules:

  • Module 1: Corporate Governance Essentials
  • Module 2: The Effective Director
  • Module 3: The Effective Board
  • Module 4: Board Finance, Accounting and Corporate Reporting

Each module consists of 2 days of live workshops and discussion. The 4 modules are run on a cyclical basis with one module every 2 to 3 months. In this way, participants are able to complete the full programme within 12 months.

If you miss a module, you can wait for it to come round again in the cycle. You can start the cycle at any time. There is also a compulsory e-learning orientation module that all new joiners must complete before starting the programme.

All our workshops are run using our online learning platform LEARN GCC BDI and the virtual live online workshops are run using Zoom.

Our face-to-face traditional classroom workshops are run in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.

Course Delivery

Course delivery will be a mix of:

  1. Virtual live online workshops; and
  2. Face-to-face traditional in-person workshops

Workshop Fees

In-Person workshops (Fee per module & per person)

  • Non-Member: USD 4,520 per person
  • Associate: USD 4,300 per person
  • Member: USD 3,990 per person
  • Fellow: USD 3,470 per person

Online Workshop Fees (Fee per module & per person)

  • Non-Member: USD 4,085 per person
  • Associate: USD 3,885 per person
  • Member: USD 3,605 per person
  • Fellow: USD 3,140 per person

Rates above are exclusive of VAT and any WHT and effective as at 7 December 2023; the fees include the cost of first refresher course and examination

Pre-payment Discount

Pre-payment is required for all participants. Participants wishing to pre-purchase all four workshops are entitled to a 25% discount. Special rates are available for companies wishing to purchase multiple seats - please ask us for more information.

For more information, please consult our website here.


Online or In-person
You may choose to attend each workshop either in-person (Riyadh) or online (Zoom).

The invoice will be sent to you once you have selected your preferred dates and module format.

See route

Contact us

For additional event or venue information, please send an email to

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