GCC BDI has now launched the Diploma in Directorship Programme, The second level of the Directorship Certification Programme. The Director's Diploma Award is a professional designation conferred by the GCC Board Directors Institute and the Financial Academy. The designation is awarded to individuals who have successfully completed the relevant training programme and assessments, including an evaluated board simulation exercise, an individual presentation assignment and a multiple-choice questions-based assessment. The training programme is based on GCC BDI's Board Director Competency Framework.
Achieving the award of a Diploma in Board Directorship, means that a director has demonstrated an internationally accepted level of understanding of the application of knowledge and skills as it pertains to board performance. A Director with an award of Diploma in Board Directorship is equipped to make a valuable contribution to any Board.
The Diploma in Board Directorship will build upon the knowledge acquired from the Certificate level and focus upon core director skills and competencies necessary to function effectively and make a valuable contribution within any board.
Only participants who have completed the Certificate in Board Directorship, and who have been Certified, are eligible to take the Diploma.
Why should you apply for the Diploma in Board Directorship?
Each module consists of 2 full days of live online training and discussion. The 2 mandatory modules and the elective modules are run on a cyclical basis. You can take the modules in any order and if you miss a module, you can wait for it to come round again in the cycle. You can start the cycle at any time. For more information on the Diploma, click here.
Participants wishing to pre-purchase all 3 workshops in advance will receive a 25% discount.
Below is information on Module 1 - Board Leadership of the Diploma in Directorship Programme.
Event Details
Date: 09-10 September 2024
Venue: Riyadh, KSA
The New Financial Academy Headquarters,
King Abdullah Financial District (KAFD)
Riyadh 13003, Saudi Arabia. For directions click here.
This module explores the need for board leadership, key roles and responsibilities, leadership skills, culture and reputation.
Key outcomes from this Module:
Workshop Fees:
Rates above are exclusive of VAT and effective as at 17 May 2020