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Board and board committee meetings are crucial events in any organisation's operating year. The success of each meeting, and its outcomes, hinges on the success of the meeting's preparations.

This means that the board secretary, who in good practice leads the planning and execution of both board and board committee meetings, must have the skills and expertise to ensure these meetings run effectively.

While there is no standardized approach to meeting preparations, these are best practices that must be adhered to, which will ensure that a board secretary can efficiently plan for these meetings whilst remaining cognizant of their own place in the processes and outcomes of such meetings.

This tutorial explores the board secretary's role in the preparation for a board/board committee meeting.

Key topics to be discussed include:

- Creating annual board calendars and work plans

- Ensuring the validity of board meetings

- Considering different kinds of meetings (face-to-face, virtual, hybrid)

- Board portals

- Ensuring the integrity of board/board committee papers & presentations

Tutorial details

Date: 14 November 2024

Time: 12:00 pm - 3:00 pm (KSA time)

1:00 pm - 4:00 pm (UAE time)

Delivery: Online (Zoom)

Tutorial fees

Price per person for the workshop:

Non member - USD 350

Associate - USD 330

Members- USD 300

Fellows-USD 265

Rates above are exclusive of VAT and any WHT and effective as at 17 May 2020

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