This is a past event. Registration is closed. View other GCC Board Directors Institute events.


A board meeting comprises board members with different points of view whose prime purpose is to come together to make decisions in the best interests of the organisation. Board members bring their own personalities and approaches to participating in board meetings.

This means that the flow of a board meeting will be determined by how those in a boardroom communicate with each other, and how the chairman interprets and moderates these differing personalities. It is important to remember that the outcomes of a board meeting impact all the stakeholders of an organisation, so a smooth and well-moderated board meeting is crucial for improved business outcomes.

This tutorial will therefore explore the dynamics between the different parties in the boardroom – the chair, individual board members, and management - and will provide board secretaries with the tools to identify and manage varied behaviours, thus increasing their ability to assist the chair in facilitating the meeting effectively.

Key topics to be discussed include:

- Assisting the chairman in engendering energy, purpose, and trust at board meetings

- Crucial steps for managing board dynamics

- Implementing emotional intelligence

- Developing productive meeting techniques

- Cultivating a sense of belonging on the board

Tutorial details:

Date: 08 May 2024


  • 12:00 pm - 3:00 pm (KSA time)
  • 1:00 pm - 4:00 pm (UAE time)

Delivery: Online (Zoom)

Tutorial fees

Price per person for the Tutorial:

Non member - USD 350

Associate - USD 330

Members- USD 300

Fellows-USD 265

Rates above are exclusive of VAT and any WHT and effective as at 17 May 2020

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